> Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations - University of 'G. Marconi," Rome
> Italian language and culture courses at the Institute of Culture of the Italian Embassy in Bucharest (3 levels and 1 level of specialization)
> Interpreter course in languages: English, English-American, French, Italian with notions of general psychology and notions of geography, history and culture with introduction to national traditions broken down by type of tourist at the Bucharest People's University
> Classical Maturity (Baccalaureat) obtained in Bucharest, Romania - Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Iorga (formerly Liceul nr.32)

Vocational training
> Languages studied: Italian, English, French
> Working tools for the translator (IT, CAT, MT, MTPE)
> Language Update
> Marketing and labor management
> Communication and Marketing
> Working tools for marketing and communication
> Business (new technologies, CRM, internet, privacy, copyright, promotion, personal coach)
> Graphics (visual design, web design, traditional graphics)
> Web (html, CMS, social media, SEO, reputation, CSS, business intelligence, web analytics)
> Travel & Tourism
> Business Development
> Artificial Intelligence

> Certificate of Romanian Translator < > Italian No. 1315/1974
> Expert Expert Translator Romanian Interpreter C.C.I.A.A. Milan n.1824/1998
> Technical director of travel and tourism agency listed in R.L. No. 140/1988
Professional senior translator and language consultant
Marketing and communication consultant